This Woman Does Her Makeup On Edibles And I Am In Physical Pain

Although makeup artists on YouTube and beauty vloggers make it look super simple, anyone who’s attempted to do their own costume makeup will tell you that it is not easy. You have to be a master of symmetry, have the patience of a saint, the precision of a surgeon, and a pretty firm grasp on …

Seth Meyers Does The Impossible And Out-Tucker Carlsons Tucker Carlson

There is a saying that goes, “Everyday the internet has a new main character and the goal is not to be it.” You know, people who do something so profoundly dumb and bad that the entire internet comes together to light them the fuck up. Like Bean Dad, who proudly tweeted that he refused to …

Ryan Reynolds Finally Watched ‘Green Lantern’ And Live-Tweeted His Reactions

If you ask anyone, “Hey, do you remember Green Lantern from 2011?” There are only two possible answers, “No,” or, “Ugh, unfortunately.” We’ve all got our own share of mistakes. For the entire cast of Cats (2020) it was Cats (2020), for Ryan Reynolds it was Green Lantern. In fact, the film was so profoundly …

Sharks Are Apparently Walking On Land Now, Excuse Me But No Thanks

If there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s that sharks are cool as shit. They’re fast as hell, they’ve got hundreds of bitchin’ razor sharp teeth (except you, whale shark, but you still rule), even their skin is made up of essentially microscopic teeth, and just like your dependable best friend from elementary …

This Foster Chihuahua Hates Everyone And Everything And The Internet Is In Love

Over the course of the pandemic many people have adopted or begun fostering pets, both because lots of folks found themselves with way more time on their hands in lockdown and because everybody has been clinging to literally any form of socialization and anything that provides the slightest bit of joy in this ceaseless nightmare. …

Trump Wax Figure Removed From Louis Tussaud’s Because People Won’t Stop Beating It Up

Well, this comes as sad news to Mr. Trump and extremely inconsequential news to everyone else, in fact it’s pretty generous to call this “news” at all but hey man, we’ve been in a pandemic for over a year now and it’s hard to find entertaining stuff to write about when everybody’s inside and literally …

Texas Diner Owners Charge $50 Anytime They Have To Explain Why Masks Are Mandatory

We all know that just because someone holds political office that doesn’t guarantee they’re the brightest bulb in the box, and occasionally there are moments that are just impossible not to laugh at. Like when Ben Carson, the goddamn Housing and Urban Development secretary, genuinely thought Congresswoman Katie Porter was asking him about Oreo cookies …