
PHP and Web Application Performance

After working with PHP and web applications for 12 years, Brian Deshong (@bdeshong) has stored quite a few tricks up his sleeve. In this March 7, 2013 talk, he covers his top ten tips and tricks for squeezing maximum performance out of web applications (PHP or otherwise). Memcached, APC, database query performance, PHP settings you’ve…

After working with PHP and web applications for 12 years, Brian Deshong (@bdeshong) has stored quite a few tricks up his sleeve. In this March 7, 2013 talk, he covers his top ten tips and tricks for squeezing maximum performance out of web applications (PHP or otherwise). Memcached, APC, database query performance, PHP settings you’ve never heard of… nothing will be off limits! He may have some other tricks up his sleeve, too: special guest appearances!

Brian is the Director of Back End Development for CrowdTwist, Inc.