Categories development games iphone programming WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial Update 1

So I’ve decided to try something different, which is to provide a quick update on what I’m doing via a screen cast rather than the written word. Its just a small video of around 4 minutes and shows some of the things I’m working on at the moment. Let me know if you think if…

Categories development game iphone programming WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial Update 2

Hi all and welcome to Video Update 2. This is a quick 8 min video just to show you what I’m working on for Tutorial 10. Things are hectic at the moment, but progress is being made. I hope you enjoy the video update and as always, it would be great to get feedback and…

iphone iphone development iphone programming objective-c programming WordPress xcode

xcode tutorial #1: Hello World

This tutorial explains the basics of iphone programming, and how to build a very simple application which displays a “Hello World” label.

Categories development game iphone programming WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 10 – Part 1 – Game Structure

You will be pleased to know that the first part of tutorial 10 is now available for viewing. It’s taken me much longer than I would have liked to get this ready, but I’m glad that at least part 1 is out. This part of the tutorial covers the changes to the project structure I…

Categories class development game iphone programming singleton WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 7 – Singleton Class

This is a small tutorial on how to create and use a Singleton class. Whilst I’ve been creating these tutorials it has become clear that managing state is important in your game. The ability to manage both the OpenGL state locally and also any state related to your game is a key building block for…

Categories development game iphone programming WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 9 – Sound Manager

In this tutorial I create a simple sound manager class that can play back multiple sounds using OpenAL. It also allows you to play background music as well using the AVAudioPlayer class. The reason for writing my own sound manager was to see how OpenAL works. Commenters on this blog provided some great links, see…

c dev development function getting started iphone ipod touch mac macintosh objc objective-c pointer ptr struct tut Tutorial variable WordPress

Basic C Programming

This episode of the video tutorials will instruct the viewer on the basic principles and syntax of programming in the C language. This tutorial is geared towards those who have some programming experience in another language, and would like to understand the basics of using C. Understanding C is vital for writing quality Objective-C…

Categories development game iphone programming WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 6 – Tiled Map Class

The next installment of the 71Squared iPhone Programming tutorials is now available. This tutorial covers a tile map class which can consume configuration files created using the Tiled map editor.

Categories development game iphone programming WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 3 – SpriteSheet Class

Hi all and welcome to Tutorial 3 in my iPhone Programming series on creating an OpenGL game. This video runs for 46 minutes and covers changes to the project so far which are based on feedback I have had in the blog and also the creation of the SpriteSheet class.

Categories game iphone programming Tutorial WordPress

iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 5 – Animation Class

Tutorial 5 is now uploaded and ready to view and runs for around 37mins. This tutorial covers the Animation class which allows you to specify a series of sprites which are displayed on screen in order. This class allows you to add any number of frames to an animation and also specify how long each…