Every time Donald Trump gives a speech, there’s a profoundly uncomfortable feeling that washes over you – a feeling that’s familiar, but hard to place. Is it Deja Vu? Have you been here before? What is he talking about? How is he simultaneously the person who is supposed to be speaking as President of The United States of America, and the person who makes all of these insane claims about windmills?

You have felt this way before, and it’s your cab driver. The one who won’t shut up about some conspiracy theory he fell into on youtube, and the guy he knows who verified the whole thing. First it’s Wind Power, then it’s North Korea, and now this. He can’t shut up, and you can’t move. And yet, you also can’t look away. Time has stopped, and for the length of this car ride, you’re stuck in a waking nightmare.

Well now you can relive this pain any time you want, because we’ve taken Trump’s actual words and rendered the scene playing out in your subconscious in beautiful 3D animation! Enjoy!

Actor: Bryan Wieder

Writer: Ben Rosen

Director/Animator: Bryan Wieder